Why Iran Agricultural Research is appropriate for submitting our manuscript?

Iran Agricultural Research as an international journal, publishes articles on original research in agriculture and related fields including agricultural extension and education, animal science, crop production and breeding, economics, food science, horticulture, machinery, plant biotechnology, plant protection, soil science and water engineering. Manuscripts related to the mentioned areas are considered, if they contain information of direct significance to agriculture and related to living products. The aims of IAR Journal are: (i) to stimulate scientific research among Iranian scholars and their colleagues in other countries, and (ii) to provide a forum for the exchange of information and dissemination of knowledge in the agricultural sciences.

Does Iran Agricultural Research consider manuscripts in languages other than English?

.No. Iran Agricultural Research is published in English

Does Iran Agricultural Research have page charges?

Publication is fully free in this journal. It is open access and the content is also available to all readers. 

Does Iran Agricultural Research have a page limitation?

Yes. Regular articles should not exceed 12 pages of printed text, including tables, figures and literature cited. Short papers with 3-4 pages length (excluding abstract and references) covering experimental techniques, apparatus, observations or preliminary results may be or accepted as ‘Short Communications’. They should not exceed four pages when printed and include a brief Abstract of no more than 150 words excluding References. 

Will Iran Agricultural Research consider short papers for publication?

Short papers covering experimental techniques, apparatus, observations or preliminary results may be or accepted as ‘Short Communications’. They should not exceed four pages when printed and include a brief Abstract of no more than 150 words excluding References. 

How is the quality of the papers published ensured?

Iran Agricultural Research is a peer reviewed journal. The journal strictly maintains the academic review policy and publication ethics. We ensure the quality of papers through peer review by double blind policy. Only manuscripts accepted by peers and recommended for publication by editorial board will be published.

How much time does Iran Agricultural Research take for complete review process?

The complete review process takes immediately after the acknowledgement of the submission e-mail of the contributor.

How do I submit my article?

Please submit your article via our editorial managing system. Submitting the manuscript by email is not acceptable. Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. Please click “Submit Paper” on the specific journal's page. The link “Submit a New Manuscript” leads you directly to the submission system used by the journal.

What is the frequency rate of the publication for Iran Agricultural Research?

.Iran Agricultural Research is a biannual archival journal (2 issues per volume per year)

Are all published issues provided online? Or is the current issue only kept online?

.Yes, all published issues are online

Is there any specific ‘Author Guidelines’ of Iran Agricultural Research?

.Yes. Please visit the ‘Guide for Authors’ menu of the journal