About Journal

Iran Agricultural Research (Iran Agric Res: IAR), an international journal, has been published since 1971 by Shiraz University. IAR accepts articles on original research in agriculture and related fields including agricultural extension and education, animal science, crop production and breeding, economics, food science, horticulture, machinery, plant biotechnology, plant protection, soil science, and water engineering. Manuscripts related to the mentioned areas are considered if they contain information of direct significance to agriculture and related to living products.

Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word 10 to the IAR Editor-In-Chief through the journal website (http://iar.shirazu.ac.ir/). Authors are urged to refer to ‘Instructions to Authors (authors' guide)’ before submission of their manuscript (It is suggested to see the format of one of the latest articles published in the latest issue of the IAR Journal).

Before the start of the reviewing process, the articles are reviewed by the journal's office and Editor-in-chief, and if they do not comply with the authors' guide, they will be returned to the author.

According to letter number 3/18/57132 dated 20/03/2017 of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, this journal has a scientific-research degree and is published in two quarterly forms.

License number 26516/ 01/12/1994

 Print ISSN
 Online ISSN