Aphidius ervi
The functional response of Aphidius ervi (Haliday)(Hym.: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) to different densities of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)(Hom.: Aphididae) on two wheat cultivars [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 61-72]
Calving Interval
Non-Genetic Factors Affecting Stillbirth and its Effects on Longevity, Production, and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows of Iran [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 73-82]
Deep wells
Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals in Water Resources of Shiraz Area [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 21-32]
Measuring and Simulating 2,4-D Residues in Silty Clay Soil Profile Under Two Water Regimes Using a LEACHP Model [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 33-46]
Thin Layer Drying and Equilibrium Moisture Content Equations for Canola (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 11-20]
Equilibrium moisture content
Thin Layer Drying and Equilibrium Moisture Content Equations for Canola (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 11-20]
Fruit dimension
Influence of Zn and K Sprays on Fruit and Pulp Growth in Olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Amygdalifolia’) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 1-10]
Functional response
The functional response of Aphidius ervi (Haliday)(Hym.: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) to different densities of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)(Hom.: Aphididae) on two wheat cultivars [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 61-72]
Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals in Water Resources of Shiraz Area [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 21-32]
Holstein cows
Non-Genetic Factors Affecting Stillbirth and its Effects on Longevity, Production, and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows of Iran [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 73-82]
Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals in Water Resources of Shiraz Area [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 21-32]
Measuring and Simulating 2,4-D Residues in Silty Clay Soil Profile Under Two Water Regimes Using a LEACHP Model [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 33-46]
Irrigation interval
Phytoremediation Potential of Corn and Oat for Increased Levels of Soil Cadmium under Different Irrigation Intervals [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 47-60]
Influence of Zn and K Sprays on Fruit and Pulp Growth in Olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Amygdalifolia’) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 1-10]
Lactation Performance
Non-Genetic Factors Affecting Stillbirth and its Effects on Longevity, Production, and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows of Iran [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 73-82]
Measuring and Simulating 2,4-D Residues in Silty Clay Soil Profile Under Two Water Regimes Using a LEACHP Model [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 33-46]
Phytoremediation Potential of Corn and Oat for Increased Levels of Soil Cadmium under Different Irrigation Intervals [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 47-60]
Influence of Zn and K Sprays on Fruit and Pulp Growth in Olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Amygdalifolia’) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 1-10]
Measuring and Simulating 2,4-D Residues in Silty Clay Soil Profile Under Two Water Regimes Using a LEACHP Model [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 33-46]
Phytoremediation Potential of Corn and Oat for Increased Levels of Soil Cadmium under Different Irrigation Intervals [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 47-60]
Semi-deep wells
Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals in Water Resources of Shiraz Area [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 21-32]
Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals in Water Resources of Shiraz Area [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 21-32]
Sitobion avenae
The functional response of Aphidius ervi (Haliday)(Hym.: Braconidae, Aphidiinae) to different densities of Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)(Hom.: Aphididae) on two wheat cultivars [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 61-72]
Non-Genetic Factors Affecting Stillbirth and its Effects on Longevity, Production, and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Cows of Iran [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 73-82]
Thin layer
Thin Layer Drying and Equilibrium Moisture Content Equations for Canola (Brassica napus L.) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 11-20]
Influence of Zn and K Sprays on Fruit and Pulp Growth in Olive (Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Amygdalifolia’) [Volume 30, 1.2, 2011, Pages 1-10]
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